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Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Class 8 Computer For First and Second Term

Class 8 Computer For First and Second Term


In this article, you will be able to know and learn about some important terminologies, MCQ, and Q&A that are frequently asked while learning and teaching class 8 computer science.



·       Photoshop is a popular image-changing software package.

·       Photoshop is widely used by photographers for photo editing and by graphic designers and web designers to create and change images for web pages.

Intellectual property rights

·       Intellectual property rights are the rights that cover the privileges given to individuals who are the owners and inventors of a work and have created something with their intellectual creativity.

·       Intellectual property rights are generally given to individuals belonging to literature, music, and invention.


·       A patent refers to a right relating to new inventions that grant the inventor the sole right to make, use, and sell that invention for a specific period of time.

·       The validity period for patents in India is 20 years from the date of filing of the patent application.


Trademark protects your brand names, logos, packaging, and other distinctive designs that identify and distinguish the products of one manufacturer or seller from that of others. 


·       A copyright refers to a legal right granted by law to the creator for his original work.

·       The rights provided under copyright law prohibit others to create a copy of the work, translating the work, and distributing the work to the public.

·       Copyright covers artistic and literary creations, such as novels, plays, poems, musical compositions, and architectural designs.

·       The copyright of a work lasts for more than 70 years, even after the death of its author.

Click the link given below to download

Computer Network MCQ Set-1
Computer Network MCQ Set-2
Computer Network MCQ Set-3
Computer Network MCQ Set-4 
Computer network MCQ Set-5
Cyber Safety

Click the link given below to download
Photoshop's MCQ Set-1
Photoshop's MCQ Set-2
Photoshop MCQ Set-3
Photoshop MCQ Set-4
Practice Set-1
Practice set for final exam
Class-8 final assignment

To know more visit https://zueducator.blogspot.com

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