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Saturday, November 26, 2022

15 QBASIC Programs for Beginners

15 QBASIC Programs for Beginners 


In this article, you will be able to know, learn, and execute some simple programs based on characters, strings, and numbers.

QBASIC programs

1. Write a program to display your name in QBASIC.

Print “Farhan”;


2. Write a program to print a number.

Print 10


3. Write a program to find the sum of two numbers.

Print 10

Print 20

Print 10+20


4. Write a program to print a number using a variable.

Let A=10

Print A


5. Write a program to find the sum of two numbers using variables.

Let A=10

Let B=20

Let c=A+B

Print c


6. Write a program to find the sum and average of three numbers using variables.

Let A=10

Let B=20

Let C= 30

Let sum=A+B+C

Let Avg=sum/3

Print sum

Print Avg


7. Write a program to enter your name and print it.

INPUT “Enter your name:”; a$

Print “Name:”; a$


8. Write a program to display a number using input method.

INPUT “Enter a number:”; n

Print “Number:”; n



9. Write a program to enter your name and age and display them.

INPUT “Enter your name:”; a$

INPUT “Enter your age:”; n

Print “Name:”; a$

Print “Age:”; n


10. Write a program to enter two numbers and find their sum.

INPUT “Enter first number:”; a

INPUT “Enter second number:”; b

Let sum= a+b

Print “sum:”; sum


11. Write a program to find area of any rectangle.

INPUT “Enter length:”; l

INPUT “Enter breadth:”; b

Let area=l*b

Print “area:”; area


12. Write a program to find area of a rectangle using variables.

Let a=10

Let b=20

Let area= a*b

Print “Area:”; area


13. Write a program to find simple interest and amount.

INPUT “Enter principal:”; p

INPUT “Enter rate:”; r

INPUT “Enter time:”; t

Let si=p*r*t/100

Let amt= p+si

Print “Si:”; si

Print “Amt:”; amt


14. Write a program to find the area of any square.

INPUT “Enter side of a square:”; a

Let area= a*a

Print “Area of a square:”; area


15. Write a program to find the sum, difference, product, and quotient using variables.

Let a=10

Let b=20

Let sum= a+b

Let diff= b-a

Let pro= a*b

Let div= b/a

Print “sum:”; sum

Print “diff:”; diff

Print “prod:”; pro

Print “quo:”; div


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