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Sunday, September 25, 2022

67 Definitions and Concepts of Website Designing


67 Definitions and Concepts of Website Designing

In this article, you will be able to know and learn about some essential
terminologies, and concepts of website design. HTML is a simple Mark Up language used to create hypertext documents that are platform-independent. Here, platform-independent means HTML documents work similarly on different platforms and browsers. Historically, HTML documents are SGML documents with generic semantics that are appropriate for representing information from a wide range of domains.


The man behind HTML (A brief history)

Tim Berners Lee coined the idea of web pages using HTML. HTML was brought to the public domain in 1990. HTML stands for Hypertext Mark Up Language which is the most widely used language on the web to make or develop praiseworthy and helpful web pages. In the 1990‟s the development of the internet helped the development of HTML rapidly with continuous modifications (changes have been discussed lucidly in the paragraphs given below). The internet strongly depends on vendors and page creators who share the joint conventions for HTML. Originally, HTML was developed with the intent of defining the structure of documents like headings, paragraphs, lists, and so forth to facilitate the sharing of scientific information between researchers. Since 1990, HTML has been continuously in use by the www (World Wide Web), a global information initiative. Now, HTML is being widely used to format web pages with the help of different tags available in HTML language.


Some of the most widely used languages, components, and interrelated terms on the web to develop web pages are as under:


·        In 1990, Tim Berners Lee developed or created the first web server and the first web browser called World Wide Web (WWW) for NEXT computer and later renamed Nexus. He introduced this browser to his colleagues at CERN in March 1991.

·        It is the most widely used service on the internet.

·        WWW or simply web consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents called web pages.

·        The basic building blocks of the www are the three most commonly used web standards – HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

·        In 1993, Marc Andreessen‟s created a new web browser called Mosaic and later renamed Netscape at the NCSA (National Centre for Supercomputing Applications). Mosaic, is a discontinued early web browser.

·        Mosaic was the first browser to display images inline or graphics with text instead of displaying images in a separate window. It was easy to install and use.

·        The browser does not display the HTML tags but uses them to determine how to display the document.

·        In order to display a document correctly, the browser must know both type and version.

·        All major web browsers are Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and opera.

 Web page

·        A web page is the simplest programming model that provides an easy way to combine HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server code.

·        A web page is a single document that displays text, graphics, and other active elements. It is considered easy and extendable with programmable web helpers, including databases, graphics, and social networking.

·        Web pages are formatted in a computer language called HTML (Hypertext Mark Up Language).

·        Many exciting web pages use multimedia.

 Different types of web pages are:

There are six basic types of web pages.

1. Advocacy web page ------- contains content that describes a cause, opinion, or idea.

2. Business/marketing web page ------- contains content that promotes or sells products or services.

3. Informational web page- contains factual information.

4. News web page -------- contains content like newsworthy material including stories and articles relating to current events, life, money, sports, and the weather.

5. Portal web page ------- contains a variety of internet services from a single, convenient location.

6. Personal web page ------- is maintained by a private individual who normally is not associated with any organization.

 Classic webpage

A classic webpage refers to a webpage that does not use AJAX and is required to reload the entire page if the content is required to be changed.

 Server-side dynamic webpage

A server-side dynamic webpage refers to a webpage whose construction is controlled by an application server processing server-side scripts. In server-side scripting, parameters determine how the assembly of every new webpage proceeds, including the setting up of more client-side processing.


Client-side dynamic webpage

A client-side dynamic webpage refers to a webpage that processes the webpage using HTML scripting running in the browser as it loads. A scripting language like JavaScript determines the way the HTML in the received page is parsed into the DOM (Document Object Model) that represents the loaded webpage.


·       A website is a collection of web pages, graphics, and other elements which are linked together to form a larger, structured document like an interactive book.

·       A website could be a single page or it could be made from thousands of pages. All pages and other elements are placed in a folder on a host server. An internet address known as URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is assigned to this folder so that when a browser asks for the desired website, it will know where to look. When a user visits a website, a user usually starts at the website's homepage, from where a user can navigate the rest of the website.


Types of websites

·        Informational websites

Informational websites refer to websites whose content is basically intended to inform visitors and promote a business or service.

·        Business promotional websites

Business promotional websites refer to websites that present basic information about the business, services, locations, industry, etc.

·        e-commerce websites

e-commerce websites refer to websites whose content is primarily intended for the sale and purchase of goods and a payment gateway such as PayPal or world pay.

·        Static websites

A static website refers to a noneditable brochure website.

·        Editable brochure website

An editable brochure website refers to a website that requires a content management system.

·        Dynamic websites

A Dynamic website refers to an editable website with more user engagement (login areas) and self-managed through a content management system (CMS).


·        A homepage refers to the introductory page of a website, usually serving as the table of contents for the site.

·        A homepage or index page is considered to be the main web page of a website. It is also called the front page or start page as it appears upon opening a web browser.



·        A hyperlink refers to a reference to data that the reader can directly follow either by clicking or by hovering. Hyperlinks are often used to implement reference mechanisms such as table of contents, footnotes, bibliographies, indexes, letters, and glossaries.

·        Hyperlinks available in resources enable users easily to navigate their browsers to related resources.

·        A hyperlink may point to a whole document or to a specific element within a document.


Links are elements of the hypertext documents that you can select.


·        The term hypertext was coined /introduced by Ted Nelson in 1965.

·        Hypertext refers to text which contains links to other texts.

·        Hypertext is the underlying concept defining the structure of the WWW with pages often written in HTML.

·        The hypertext pages are interconnected by hyperlinks, typically activated by a mouse click, key press sequence, or by touching the screen.

·        Hypertext documents can either be static (prepared and stored in advance) or dynamic (continually changing in response to user input).

·        Hypertext can be used to develop very complex and dynamic systems of linking and cross-referencing. Static hypertext is generally used to cross-reference collections of data in documents, software applications, or books on CD‟s.

·        The hypertext includes graphics, video, and sound.

·        The most famous implementation of hypertext is the WWW.


·        Hypermedia is a term derived from hypertext.

·        Hypermedia refers to a nonlinear medium of information that includes graphics, audio, video, plain text, and hyperlinks.

·        Most modern hypermedia is delivered via electronic pages from a variety of systems including media players and web browsers.


Web server

·        Web server refers to an information technology that processes requests via HTTP, the basic network protocol used to distribute information on the World Wide Web. The term can refer either to the entire computer system, an appliance, or the software that accepts and supervises the HTTP requests.

·   The main function of a web server is to store, process, and deliver web pages to clients. The communication between client and server takes place using HTTP. Pages delivered are most frequently HTML documents, which may include images, style sheets, and scripts in addition to text content.


Proxy server

·        Proxy server refers to a specialized web server that allows web browsers to receive web pages from web servers without communicating with them directly.

·        Proxy server is allowed to connect to the internet, but the individual web browsers are only allowed to “talk” to the proxy server.

·        Proxy servers are often used to provide more secure web access in organizations.


A Server refers to a computer that manages network resources and provides a centralized storage area.


Server-side programming

Server-side programming refers to writing code that runs on the server, using languages supported by the server (such as Java, PHP, and C#). JavaScript is also used to write code that executes on the server side.



Client refers to a computer that can access the contents of servers or storage areas.


Client-side programming

Client-side programming refers to writing code that runs on the client and is done in languages that can be executed by the browser.



·        The internet refers to the global system of interconnected computer networks to link billions of devices across the world using TCP/IP (Internet protocol suite).

·        The internet is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.


Intranet refers to a network based on TCP/IP protocols belonging to an organization, usually a corporation, accessible only by the organization's members, employees, or others with authorization.

  Web browser

·        A web browser is generally designed to read HTML documents and display them.

·        A web browser refers to a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources (web page, image, and video) on the World Wide Web.

·        A web browser can also be defined as application software or program designed to enable users to access, retrieve and view documents and other resources on the internet.

·        Web browsers rely on layout engines to parse HTML into a DOM (Document object model). When a web page is loaded, the browser creates a DOM of the page.

Some important features of all major web browsers are discussed below:

 Google Chrome

·        Google Chrome provides huge applications and rich media, which normal browsers are not built.

·        Chrome is being built on a web kit, the basis of Apple‟s Safari browser and the browser in the Google Android mobile platform, and using Google Gears, a web application plug-in/ platform.

·        Google Chrome provides multi-processing and multi-threading capabilities to handle all types of user demands, giving each element of a page its own memory and process.

·        Google Chrome provides new tabs, above the address bar to handle different processes.

·        Now chrome uses a new Java script Virtual Machine from Denmark called V8.

·        No more closing tabs when the browser slows down.

·        Chrome’s Omni box------ when you start typing in the address bar, chrome offer suggestions to auto-complete your request.

·        Now, a user can browse without anything from the session being written to your computer – no cache, no history, no cookies, nothing.

·        Personalized Homepage with screenshots of the pages you visit most.

·        Extra Secure ------- the browser includes Google‟s ever-growing list of spyware and malware sites, and every tab is “sandboxed”, which means whatever happens in the tabs can‟t affect your computer.


·        Mozilla Firefox is open source web browser.

·        Mozilla Firefox 3 is much faster than internet explorer

·        Smart location bar helps users to get frequently visited or recently discovered, sites in a super quick fashion.

·        Places organizer replaces the bookmark manager to drag and drop links around nested folders.

·        Firefox provides to make your own smart bookmark.

·        Provide a smart bookmark.

·        Provide a streamlined “Remember password” handling system.

·        Native looks for every system.

·        Improved looks for every system.

·        Improved download manager.

·        Strong phishing and malware protection.

·        More intuitive interface.

·        Souped up Add-ons manager

Enable and disable third-party helpers like Flash, Quick time, and anything else that makes content work.

Internet Explorer

·        Cleaner Interface-- moving the address bar, tabs, and navigation buttons onto a single row.

·        Tab Pinning---- n internet explorer 9, tabs can be pinned to the windows 7 taskbar, just like programs. Right-click on the taskbar icon brings up a jump list for quick navigation around the website.

·        Internet Explorer is fast with hardware-accelerated rendering, IE 9 jumped to the head of the pack in sun spider.

·        Tab Isolation--- means that each tab runs as its own process on your computer

meaning that (in theory) if one crushes, it doesn’t take down all the rest with it.

·        Smaller Notification- The new notifications display in IE 9 is less intrusive,

but still easy to spot.

·        Download Manager built-in download manager is available.

·        Tracking Protection List Available  IE 9 makes it easy to keep the website from tracking your browsing habits using a tracking protection list.

·        Smart Screen Filter verifies URLs against Microsoft‟s black list and blocks known malicious websites.

·        One Box---- combines the address and search bar into one Bing is the default, of course, but you can switch to Google if that‟s your thing.

·        Standard Compliance-- E 9 implements a lot of the new HTML 5 standards, including embedded video and audio, Canvas, and SVG.

·        Tab Pinning---- n internet explorer 9, tabs can be pinned to the windows 7 taskbar, just like programs. Right-click on the taskbar icon brings up a jump list for quick navigation around the website.

·        Internet Explorer is fast with hardware-accelerated rendering, IE 9 jumped

to the head of the pack in sun spider.

·        Tab Isolation--- means that each tab runs as its own process on your computer

meaning that (is the theory) if one crushes, it doesn't take down all the rest with it.

·        Smaller Notification- The new notifications display in IE 9 is less intrusive, but still easy to spot.

·        Download Manager built-in download manager is available.

·        Tracking Protection List Available  IE 9 makes it easy to keep the website from tracking your browsing habits using a tracking protection list.

·        Smart Screen Filter verifies URLs against Microsoft‟s black list and blocks known malicious websites.

·        One Box---- combines the address and search bar into one Bing is the default, of course, but you can switch to Google if that‟s your thing.

·        Standard Compliance-- E 9 implements a lot of the new HTML 5

standards, including embedded video and audio, Canvas, and SVG.

·        The internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services such as interlinked hypertext documents (web pages) and applications of the WWW, electronic mail, telephony, and peer-to-peer networks for file sharing.

·        Some widely used internet services include webcasting, electronic commerce, web publishing, electronic mail, FTP, Telnet, news groups, mailing list, chat rooms, and instant messaging.

·        In order to connect to the internet, a user must have access to an ISP, which acts as the middleman between a user and the internet.

·        A user can access the internet through an ISP, OSP, and WSP.


ISP (Internet Service Provider)

ISP provides temporary internet connections to individuals and companies. Most ISP offers broadband internet access via a cable, DSL, or fiber connection.

·        Dial-up- access

Dial-up- access provides an easy and inexpensive way to connect to the internet. With dial-up access, a user uses a computer, a modem, and a regular telephone line to dial into an ISP. It is good for home or small business users.

·        DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

DSL provides high-speed connections over a regular copper telephone line.

·        Cable modem

A cable modem provides high-speed internet connections through a cable television network.

·        OSP (Online Service Provider)

OSP supplies internet access to individuals and companies with a variety of special content and services.

·        WSP (Wireless service provider)

WSP provides wireless internet access to users with wireless modems or web-enabled handheld computers or devices.



·        ActiveX is Microsoft‟s technology for signing plug-ins that adds additional software to a computer when a web page is accessed.

·        ActiveX is considered to be a useful way to allow the installation of worthwhile add-ons such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, Macromedia Flash player, and Real player.


·        CMS stands for content management system.

·        CMS refers to a web-based tool to allow any authorized user access to edit the website.

·        CMS is required to manage and maintain day-to-day happenings. CMS is typically done by the client, who has no prior experience in web page programming.



·        URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.

·        Each web page has a unique address, called a URL, which tells a browser where to locate the web page.

·        A URL consists of a protocol, domain name, and sometimes the path to a specific web page or location on a web page.

·        Most URLs‟s begin with http:// which stands for hypertext transfer protocol, the communications standard that enables pages to transfer on the web.


Secure site

A Secure site refers to a site that uses the HTTPS protocol to ensure that the user’s information cannot be stolen by a third party between the sender and the receiver.



·        HTTP stands for hypertext transfer protocol.

·        HTTP refers to the protocol that web browsers and web servers use to communicate with each other over the internet.

·        HTTP is a connectionless text-based protocol.


  • Blog stands for web log.

·        Blog was first introduced and used in 1999.

·        Blog refers to a website that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer.

·        Blog is a regularly updated website or web page, generally run by an individual or small group, generally written in an informal or conversational style.

 HTML graphics

·        HTML graphics refer to a digital representation of information such as a drawing, chart, or photograph.

·        Two common file formats for graphical images on the web are JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) and GIF (Graphics Interchange Format). These formats use compression techniques to reduce the size of graphics files and thus speed downloading.



Multimedia refers to any application that integrates text with elements like graphics, sound, video, and virtual reality.


Multimedia files

Multimedia files refer to documents that contain a combination of text, photographs, graphics, video, and audio.

Domain name

Domain name refers to the text version of the IP address.

Top-level domains (TLD)

Top-level domains are the last part of every domain name. The top-level domains are .com, .org, .edu, .uk, .net and so on.


Two types of top-level domains:

· Two-letter country domains such as .uk (United Kingdom)

·        Three letter domains such as .com, .org, and .net.

The original generic domains:

The generic domains are: .com, .edu, .gov, .int, .mil, .net and .org.

Additional top-level domains added in recent

years are:

Some new domains are: .biz, .info, .name, .pro, .aero, .coop and .museum.


DNS (Domain Name System or server)

DNS (Domain Name System or server) translates the domain name into its associated IP address, so data can route to the correct computer.


IP address

·        IP address refers to a numerical address allocated to each computer or device (computer/printer) on a communication line.

·        An IP address helps in host or network interface identification and location addressing.


        Static IP address

·        Static IP address refers to an address that is permanently assigned to a device (computer/printer) by an ISP and does not change even if the computer reboots.

·        A static IP address is usually assigned to a server hosting websites and providing email, database, and FTP services.

Dynamic IP address

The Dynamic IP address refers to an IP address dynamically assigned to a computer by an ISP each time the computer or router reboots.


Search engine

·        Archie was the first search engine created by Alan Emtage in 1990 at McGill University in Montreal.

·        Search engine refers to a software program generally used by a user to find websites, web pages, images and internet files.

·        In order to find a web page or pages, a user enters a relevant word or phrase, called search text or keywords, in the search engine‟s text box. Many search engines use a program called spider to read pages on websites and create a list of pages that contain the keywords. A web page that is listed as the result of the search is called a hit.

·        Some search engines mine data available in databases or open directories.

·        Some popular search engines are SAPO (1995), Google (1998), Ask.com (2006), and Bing (2009).


·       Bookmark refers to an internet browser feature that allows a user to go back to a previously visited website by clicking on the saved link- without retyping the site’s address.

·   Bookmarks are also called favorites or internet shortcuts.


Some scripting languages/languages used in making websites are:


·        SGML was the result of the efforts of many people channeled into four major activities: generic coding, the GML, SGML languages, SGML standard, and major SGML applications. Generic coding began in the late 1960s and uses descriptive tags („headings‟ rather than „format-17‟). Generic coding was created by William Tunnicliffe, chairman of the Graphic Communication Association (GCA). In 1969, Charles Goldfarb, Edward Mosher, and Raymond Lorie together invented GML (Generalized Mark up language) as a means of allowing the text editing, formatting, and information retrieval subsystems to share documents. The generic code and GML later played an instrumental role in the development of the SGML standard.

·        SGML stands for a standard generalized markup language.

·        SGML is actually a meta-language i.e a computer language for writing markup language.

·        HTML is a markup language written in SGML.


Some major HTML events and versions are as under:

HTML versions





HTML 2.0


HTML 3.2


HTML 4.01






Some of the major specifications of HTML are discussed below:


·        HTML was created by Tim Berners Lee in late 1991.

·        HTML stands for Hypertext Mark Up Language.

·        HTML is a markup language used to write web pages. A mark-up Language is a set of mark-up tags. HTML documents are described by HTML tags.

·        HTML is used to divide up a document, specify its contents and structure, and define the meaning of each part (headings, paragraphs, bulleted lists, etc). It uses elements to identify the different components of a web page.

·        HTML has undergone or witnessed several changes in both type and version in the following form.

  HTML 2.0

·        “HTML 2.0” was the first standard HTML specification which was published in 1995.

·        HTML 2.0 specification includes both machine readable public text – SGML ”code” and human-readable text. Here, the public text means the text of the SGML DTD (Document type definition) for HTML. The public text includes the DTD, an SGML declaration, and a version of the ISO Added Latin1 entity set.

  HTML 3.2

·        HTML 3.2 is W3C‟s specification for HTML, developed in early 96 together with vendors including IBM, Microsoft, Netscape communications corporation, Novell, Soft Quad, Spyglass, and Sun Microsystems.

·        W3C is still working with vendors on extensions for accessibility features, multimedia objects, scripting, style sheets, layout, forms, math, and internationalization.

·        HTML 3.2 provides full backwards compatibility with the existing standard HTML 2.0.

·        Every HTML 3.2 document begins with <!DOCTYPE> declaration to distinguish HTML 3.2 from other versions of HTML. The <!DOCTYPE> declaration helps the browser, validation tools, and other software to determine the version of HTML used in the document.

·        HTML 3.2 includes the HEAD element, the BODY element, block-level elements, text-level elements, lists, and tables.

Block level elements ------- include headings, address, preformatted text, definition list, paragraph, unordered list, and ordered list.

Text level elements include anchors, IMG, Applet, Font, BR, and MAP.

   HTML 4.01

·        HTML 4.01 was a major version of HTML and it was introduced and published by the W3C consortium in the year 1999.

·        HTML 4.01 is an SGML application conforming to International standard ISO- 8879- standard Generalised Mark Up language.

·        HTML 4.01 version has taken great strides towards the internationalization of documents with the goal of making the web truly worldwide.

·        HTML 4.01 supports more multimedia options, scripting languages, style sheets, better printing facilities, and documents that are more accessible to users with disabilities.

  HTML- 5

·        HTML 5 is the result of joint cooperation between the world wide web consortium (W3C) and the web Hypertext Application Technology working group (WHATWG).

·        HTML 5 is the latest standard for HTML. Currently, we are having HTML - 5 version which is an extension to HTML 4.01, and this version was published in 2012.

·        HTML 5 was designed to replace both HTML 4, XHTML , and the HTML DOM level 2. HTML 5 was created to deliver rich content without the need for additional plug-ins. This version of HTML includes everything from animation to graphics, music to movies, and can also be used to build complicated web applications.

·        New features of HTML5 are based on HTML, CSS, DOM, and Javascript.

·        In HTML5, scripting has been replaced by more mark-ups.

·        In HTML5, the <canvas> element for 2D drawing has been added. New content specific elements like <article>,<footer>,<header>, <nav>, <section> have been added. Also, new form controls like calendar, date, time, email, URL, and search have been added.

·        In HTML5 error handling is made easier than in previous versions.

·        HTML5 supports all major browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, and APIs.

·        HTML 5 is designed as device independent or cross-platform. It is designed to work whether a user is using a PC or a tablet, a smartphone, or a smart TV.

·        The HTML5 working group includes AOL, Apple, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Mozilla, Nokia, and Opera.

·        In HTML5, the development process is made visible to the public.


·        JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich and was released by Netscape communications in 1995 with Netscape Navigator2.0.

·        JavaScript became an ECMA standard in 1997. ECMA script-6 is the latest official version of JavaScript.

·        JavaScript refers to a high-level, dynamic, untyped, and interpreted programming language.

·        JavaScript is prototype-based with first-class functions, making it a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.

·        JavaScript has an API (Application Programming Interface) for working with text, arrays, dates, and regular expressions.

·        JavaScript virtual machines (VMs) and platforms built upon them made JavaScript good for server-side web applications. On the client side, JavaScript has been implemented as an interpreted language.

·        JavaScript is a powerful and the most popular programming language for HTML and the web.

·        JavaScript can change HTML content.

·        JavaScript can change, add and remove all the HTML elements and attributes on the page.

·        JavaScript can react to all existing events on the page.

·        JavaScript can create new events on the page.

·        JavaScript can change HTML styles.

·        JavaScript can validate data.

·        JavaScript is a language used to program the behavior of web pages.

·        JavaScript is also used in game development, the creation of desktop, and mobile applications, and server-side network programming with runtime environments such as Node.js.

·        All web developers must learn JavaScript to make web pages as it is easy to learn.


CSS (Cascade style sheet)

·        CSS was created by W3C (The world wide web consortium).

·        CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.

·        CSS is used to specify the layout of web pages.

·        CSS styles define how to display HTML elements.

·        CSS external style sheets can save a lot of work. External style sheets enable the designer/user to change the appearance and layout of all the pages on a website.

·        CSS external style sheets are stored in CSS files.

·        CSS style sheets were added to HTML 4.0 to solve some major problems of HTML-3.2.In HTML 4.0 all formatting could be removed from the HTML document and stored in a separate CSS file.

·        All browsers support CSS today.



·        XML was developed by the world wide web consortium and introduced in the year 1996.

·        XML was designed to store and transport data. The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability across the internet.

·        XML stands for Extensible Mark up Language.

·        XML is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human and machine-readable  


·        XHTML stands for an extensible hypertext markup language.

·        XHTML is stricter than HTML.

·        XHTML is HTML defined as an XML application.

·        XHTML is well supported by all major browsers.



·        PHP is a server scripting language.

·        It is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive web pages.

·        PHP is a widely used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft‟s ASP.



·        ASP stands for Active Server Page.

·        ASP is a Microsoft Technology.

·        ASP is a program that runs inside IIS (Internet Information Service). IIS comes as a free component with windows 2000 and higher versions.

·        An ASP file can contain text, HTML, XML and scripts. Scripts in an ASP file are executed on the server.

·        ASP can change, edit or add any content to a web page.

·        ASP can respond to user queries or data submitted from HTML forms.

·        Using ASP we can access any data or databases and return the results to a browser.

·        Using ASP we can customize a web page to make it more useful for individual users.

·        ASP minimizes network traffic.

·        ASP provides security as ASP code cannot be viewed from the browser.

·        ASP is simple to use and provides good speed.

·        An ASP file has the file extension “.asp”.



·        ASP.NET was developed by Microsoft and first released in 2002 to allow programmers to build dynamic websites, web applications, and web services.

·        ASP.NET is the successor to Microsoft‟s Active Server Page (ASP) technology.

·        ASP.NET is an open-source server-side web application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages.

·        ASP.NET is a development framework for building web pages and websites with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server scripting.

·        ASP.NET feature includes Linux support, OSX support, Node.js support, Angular JS support, tag helpers, view components web API, Grunt JS support, browser support, no visual basic, and no web forms.



·        AppML was first developed by Refsnes Data in the year 1999.

·        AppML stands for Application Modelling language.

·        AppML runs in any HTML page. No installation is required.

·        AppML is a tool for bringing data to HTML applications from objects, files, and from databases.

·        AppML extends HTML with data attributes.

·        AppML adds controllers to HTML, to control the behavior of HTML data.

·        AppML was based on HTTP request communication between the web client and the web server. Later this method became well known as AJAX.

·        AppML was re-launched by w3 schools in the year 2015 with some new and advanced features.

Some new features of AppML are:

·        AppML applications are developed to run over the internet.

·        AppML applications are made platform-independent.

·        AppML applications are required to use internet standards only (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript).

·        AppML applications are made self-describing.

·        AppML applications must be future-proof.


·        AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.

·        AJAX refers to a set of web development techniques utilizing many web technologies used on the client side to create asynchronous web applications.

·        AJAX can locally modify the web page. The data that are modified are exchanged using the HTTP protocol.

·        AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes.

·        AJAX applications are both browser and platform independent.

·        Some applications using AJAX are Google maps, Gmail, Youtube, and Facebook tabs.


·        JQuery was developed by John Resig and is licensed under the MIT license and GNU (General public license).

·        JQuery is a  JavaScript        library     that allows   web  developers to  add extra functionality to their websites.

·        JQuery is used for modifying text, processing form data, moving elements on a page, and performing animations.

·        JQuery is also used by web developers to navigate HTML documents, handle events, perform animations and add Ajax interactions to web pages.

·        JQuery can also work with Ajax code and scripting languages, such as PHP and ASP to access data.

·        JQuery runs on the client side without reloading the page.

·        JQuery is open source and provided for free.

·        JQuery greatly simplifies JavaScript programming and is easy to learn.

·        Some of the websites using JQuery are Google (code search), Twitter, Dell Inc, CBS News, and Slashdot.

  JQuery Mobile

·        JQuery Mobile was first released in 2010.

·        The development of JQuery Mobile focuses on creating a framework compatible with a wide variety of smartphones and tablet computers.

·        JQuery Mobile is compatible with all major desktop browsers as well as all major mobile platforms including Android, IOS, windows phone, Blackberry, web OS, and Symbian.

·        JQuery Mobile is a framework for creating mobile web applications.

·        JQuery Mobile uses HTML5 and CSS3 for laying out pages with minimal scripting.

·        JQuery Mobile is an HTML 5-based user interface system designed to make responsive websites and apps that are accessible on all smartphones, tablets, and desktop devices.


·        Json was developed and introduced by Douglas Crockford in the year 1999.

·        JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

·        Json is a lightweight data interchange format.

·        JSON is an open standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value pairs.

·        JSON is “self-describing” and easy to read, write and understand.

·        JSON is easy for machines to parse and generate.

·        JSON is language independent.

·        JSON is based on a subset of the JavaScript programming language, standard ECMA-262.

·        JSON  is the primary data format used for asynchronous browser/server communication, largely replacing XML (used by AJAX).

  Angular JS

·        Angular JS was first created and introduced by Misko Hevery in the year 2012.

·        Angular JS is an open-source web application framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of experts.

·        Angular JS aims to simplify both the development and the testing of applications by providing a framework for client-side model-view-controller (MVC) and model-view-view model (MVVM) architectures, along with components commonly used in rich internet applications.

·        Angular JS is perfect for single-page applications (SAP).

·        Angular JS is the frontend part of MEAN stack, together with Node.js runtime, Express.js backend framework MongoDB database.

·        Angular JS is used on the websites of NBC, Walgreens, Intel, Sprint, ABC News, and approximately 8400 other sites out of 1 million tested in July 2015.


·        SQL was designed by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce in the early 1970‟s.

·        SQL stands for Structured Query Language.

·        SQL refers to a special purpose programming language designed for managing data held in an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) or for stream processing RDSMS (Relational Data Stream Management System).

·        The scope of SQL includes data insert, query update and delete, schema creation and modification, and data access control.


·        MySQL is the most popular open-source relational SQL database management system.

·        MySQL is one of the best RDBMS being used for developing web-based software applications.


Some common and useful contents of a website may include:

Hours of operation, staff directory, employee bios, office locations, maps, driving directions, mission statements, history, performance indicators, business affiliations, contact information, e-mail links, contact request forms, printout capability, info sheets, marketing materials, press kits, directions, menus, product guides, shopping cart feature, product descriptions, photos, customer data capture, payment processing, return policies, order problem tracking, transit status.

Applications of HTML

·        HTML markup can represent hypertext news, mail, documentation, and hypermedia, menus of options, database query results, simple structured documents with in-lined graphics, and hypertext views of existing bodies of information.

·        HTML is an application of ISO standard 8879:1986 Information Processing Text and office systems SGML Standard Generalised Mark Up Language.

To know more visit https://zueducator.blogspot.com




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