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Saturday, May 13, 2023

100 Meaningful English Sentences in Use

 100 Meaningful English Sentences in Use


In this article, you will be able to know and learn about some simple, and meaningful English sentences in daily use.

Click the link below to download 

Simple English sentences using does, do, don't, did, and didn't

Sentences using indefinite pronouns


·       Let’s go have some fun.

·       Can I have some water?

·       I bought some apples.

 ·       She brought me some flowers.

 ·       I’ve got some bread.

·       I have some work to do this evening.

·       I have some money left, but not much.

·       I know some students in that school.

·       I’ll make some tea/coffee.

·       I should go home and get some sleep.

·       She asked him to give her some money.

·       There’s some chicken.

·       I really want some striped socks.

·       Would you like some ketchup to go with your fries?

·       Here are some answers about the given picture.


·       I need someone to help me.

·       Someone took the last piece of cake.  

·       She offered the job to someone else.

·       Make yourself necessary to someone.

·       We need someone who can work nights and weekends.

·       To be happy, you should spend time with someone you love.

·       I’ll do it because someone has to.


·       Somebody left you a message.

·       We need somebody who can work nights and weekends.

·       The singer waved to somebody in the crowd.

·       We wouldn’t want somebody to get the wrong idea.

·       You shouldn’t go into somebody’s home uninvited.

·       Pay somebody back in his own coin.

·       Believe somebody on his bare word.

·       Somebody wants to meet you.

·       Somebody should speak up.

·       Somebody dented my car.

·       Somebody came by looking for you.

·       Serve somebody with the same sauce.

·       Somebody helped me mend the puncture.

·       Listen, somebody, is beating at the door.

·       I can hear somebody moving about upstairs.

·       There’s somebody on the phone for you.

·       The ownership of that house was transferred to somebody.


·       He said something that really bothered me.

·       I started to say something but she interrupted me.

·       Something came in the mail for you.

·       She needed some money to buy something to feed her dog.

·       I never thought he was capable of doing something so cruel.

·       She gave him something hot/cold to drink.

·       She gave him something to drink.

·       Please give me something hot to drink.

·       She herself gave him something to eat.

·       He wants something cold to drink.

·       There’s something wrong with my car.

·       There’s something inside this box.

·       There was something vaguely familiar about him.

·       Money is something, but not everything.

·       At least I tried to do something.

·       The garden was something special.


·       I could not walk any farther.

·       I can’t eat any more pizza.

·       I don’t have any money and I don’t have any friends either.

·       We don’t have any olives.

·       Do you have any wrapping paper?

·       We should think carefully before we take any action.


·       She doesn’t talk to anyone.

·       If anyone calls, take a message.

·       We are looking for not anyone. We are looking for the best.

·       Anyone who wants to succeed should do their best.

·       I don’t know anyone who could make this happen.

·       I don’t know how anyone can believe that.

·       Hello? Is anyone out there?

·       Is there anyone here who knows Physics?

·       We are willing to help if anyone is interested in adopting a pet.

·       Anyone with a background in teaching can apply.


·       Has anybody seen my pen?

·       I don’t know how anybody can believe that.

·       The boy is more diligent than anybody else.

·       Does anybody know someone who speaks French?


·       She ate hardly anything.

·       She didn’t say anything at all.

·       She never does anything but complain.

·       The dog will eat almost anything.

·       We didn’t talk about anything much.

·       We were allowed to do anything we wanted to.

·       This problem is anything but new.

·       You can’t tell him anything about computers.

·       I can’t think of her as anything but a good friend.

·       I don’t have anything against them.

·       I wanted to believe her more than anything.

·       He’ll do anything for a laugh.

·       He won’t take anything from anyone.

·       He looked anything but happy.

·       If you’re not sure what to say, just say anything that comes to mind.


·       None of that surprises me.

·       None of his novels is well written.

·       None of it was your fault.

·       None but his collaborators confirmed his claims.

·       None of his old friends knew what had happened to him.

·       He owns three cars, none of which is economical.

No one

·       No one has ever done this before.

·       No one knows her better than I do.

·       There’s no one else here.

·       We called, but no one answered.


·       Nothing is as precious as love.

·       I can deduce nothing else.

·       We had nothing in common.

·       You have nothing to worry about.

·       He could hear nothing.

·       She knows nothing about our plans.

·       There’s nothing in my hands.

·       There’s nothing to hinder me.


·       Not everyone got the joke.

·       He hated the movie but everyone else enjoyed it.

·       The police had ordered everyone out of the office.


·       Everybody has a mother and father.

·       I love to make everybody happy.

·       Then everybody began to feel frightened.

·       Everybody should have someone to share their dreams with.

·       There wasn’t enough room for everybody.


·       Tell us everything that happened.

·       She means everything to me.

·       He denied everything about the incident.

·       We’re pretty happy with everything right now.








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