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Saturday, September 28, 2024

5 Topics of VBU Bed


In this blog/article, you will learn about some important terminologies, and topics of Childhood and Growing up frequently asked in CTET, VBU B.ED, and UGC NET exams. There are many optimization strategies to boost your teaching, which this article will outline.

Infanthood to Adulthood

Childhood and Late Childhood

Adolescence (Part-1)

Adolescence (Part-2)

Adolescence (Part 3)
Depression in adolescence 

Adolescence (Part 4)

Growth and Development (Part-1)

Growth and Development (Part 2)

Growth and Development (Part 3)

Teaching Methods
hing Methods 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

10 Things to know About Child Development and Pedagogy


In this blog/article, you will learn about some important terminologies, and topics of child development and pedagogy frequently asked in CTET, B.ED, and NET exams. There are many optimization strategies to boost your teaching, which this article will outline.

Horace Mann

Horace Mann is known to be the Father of American education.

Lord Macaulay

Lord Macaulay is the father and founder of the current education system.

Lord Macaulay is also known as the father of modern education in India.


·       The father of modern Pedagogy is Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi. His immense contribution is in establishing the scientific foundations of the teaching-learning process.

·       Pedagogy and Pedagogue come from the Greek Paidos “boy, child” plus agogos “leader”.

·       Pedagogy is the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.

·       Pedagogy is the “art”, science, or profession of teaching.


Fluency means having an easy and smooth flow and rhythm when speaking.

Social interaction

·       Social interaction is how we act and react to those around us.

·       Social interaction includes those acts people/children perform toward each other and the responses they give in return.

·       As children grow and learn, they require social interactions with others to form a sense of self and to develop their cognitive, emotional, and language skills.

·       Some common examples of social interaction are peer groups, buying food from a street vendor and family members engaged in a conversation.

Piaget's Inductive logic

Inductive logic means going from a specific experience to a general principle.

Piaget's Conservation

Conservation means when something changes in shape or appearance it is still the same.

Piaget theory on cognitive development

3 ways to educate intellectually and academically advanced children than their peers

Lawrence Kohlberg's Moral Reasoning

Describe the Kohlberg's theory of moral development.  VBU Bed 2019-21

Language disorder

A Language disorder is an impairment of comprehension and/or use of a spoken, written, and/or other symbol system. It may involve language's form, content, and/ or function.

Speech disorder

A speech disorder is impaired voice, articulation or speech sounds, and/ or fluency.


Dysarthria is a Speech disorder caused by muscle weakness (including face, lips, tongue, and throat) controlled by the nervous system.


Apraxia is defined as a speech disorder when the neural path between the nervous system and the muscles responsible for speech production is obscured or lost.


A lisping speech disorder is defined as the incapability of producing sibilant consonants (z or s) correctly.


Cluttering is characterized by a patient’s speech being too jerky, too rapid, or both.


·       Stuttering is also called stammering and childhood-onset fluency disorder.

·       Stuttering is a speech condition that disrupts the normal flow of speech.

·       Stuttering is a neuro-developmental speech disorder that commences when neural connections supporting language, speech, and emotional functions are quickly changing, and is characterized by core behavior that usually takes the form of involuntary stoppages and repetition.

Articulation disorder

·       Articulation disorder is also called functional speech disorder or articulation delay.

·       Articulation disorder is the inability to produce sounds correctly in speech.

·       An articulation disorder involves the substitution, addition, omission, or distortion of speech sounds that may negatively impact message intelligibility, for example, producing the word [sun] as [tun].

Motor speech disorder

Motor speech disorders are associated with acquired or developmental 

neurologic  impairments such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and 

traumatic brain injury.


1. Dysgraphia is a ..................................         CTET-2023

(a) Speech disorder characterized by stuttering and errors in articulation

(b) Locomotor disorder characterized by gross motor impairment

(c) Neurological disorder characterized by trouble in forming letters and shapes

(d) Psychological disorder characterized by lack of attention and impulsive behavior

2. While ..................... agencies of socialism are predominantly important in infancy,  ...................... agencies of socialism also become important in early childhood.                CTET-2023

(a) Tertiary, Secondary

(b) Primary, Secondary

(c) Secondary, Primary

(d) Secondary, tertiary

Monday, September 2, 2024

SEO Video Creation and Video Editing

 SEO Video Creation and Video Editing 


This blog/article will teach you the techniques, basic ideas, and terminologies used in SEO video creation and editing.

    Multimedia content

      Multimedia content combines various media elements, such as text, images, audio, video, animation, and interactive elements, to deliver information or entertainment in a dynamic and engaging format.

      Some popular multimedia content are images, videos, audio, animations, Infographics, and interactive content. 


      In computer, video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media.

      Video is an electronic representation of moving images, captured at a frame rate, and played back.

      In general, video refers to a program, movie, or other visual media product featuring moving images, with or without audio, that is recorded and saved digitally or on videocassette.

      Video is an all-round and engaging content format that helps us in advertisement, entertainment, and to keep a record.

      Videos can be shared easily across multiple platforms, which provides us a real-life picture of what is going on.

      Video is used to compress audio, video, and other multimedia to save on disk space, bandwidth, and data usage. 

Video SEO

Video SEO means optimizing your video to be indexed and rank on the search engine results page for relevant keyword searches.

Long-form video

·       Long-form video content refers to videos that are over 10 minutes in length.

·       Long-form videos boost engagement, build brand awareness, and increase conversions with our comprehensive guide.

·       Some common examples of long-form videos are webinars, brand films, and video podcasts.

Short-form video

Short-form video content refers to videos that are under 10 minutes in length.

Compositing in video editing

·       Compositing in video editing refers to combining two video sources into a single video.

·       It is a category of video effects (VFX) used in many of today’s top Blockbuster movies.

After Effects

      After Effects is a digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application developed by Adobe.

      After Effects is used for animation and in the post-production process of filmmaking, video games, and TV production to create special effects and compositing.

      Projects created using After Effects can be used in broadcast TV, video, on the web, in-store displays, and kiosks.


      Holography is a unique method of photography whereby 3D objects are recorded using a laser and then restored as precisely as possible to match the originally recorded object.

      Holography produces photos that appear 3-Dimensional. 

Click the link given below to learn about 
                       YouTube video specifications and standards 
                     factors that affect a video
                       the actions required before publishing a video

               video and audio streaming


      A codec is a combination of the words coder/decoder.

      Codec is a device or computer program which encodes or decodes a data stream or signal.

Video codec

      A Video codec is software or hardware that compresses and decompresses digital video, to make file size smaller and storage and distribution of the videos easier.

      H.264 Video codec delivers the highest quality

Audio codec

      In software, an audio codec is a computer program implementing an algorithm that compresses and decompresses digital audio data according to a given audio file or streaming media audio coding format.

      In the case of audio, it compresses the file for transmission and decompresses the received files upon playback.

      Some common examples of audio codecs are MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, WMA, and Opus.

Sound effect

·       A sound effect is an artificially created or enhanced sound or sound process used to emphasize artistic or other content of films, TV shows, and live performances.

·       Sound effects and special effects are used in film and video to influence the mood and reactions of the audience.

·       Sound effects are essential for creating a sense of realism and immersing the audience in the film’s world.

SFX sound

·       SFX sound commonly stands for sound effects in film and video.

·       SFX sound can also be used to describe special effects.

·       SFX adds depth, texture, and authenticity to the visuals, making the on-screen events more tangible and believable.

Voice command

Voice command means a spoken instruction to a computer.

Voice command device

·       Voice command device is an electronic gadget that interprets and executes spoken commands from users.

·       Voice command device enables hands-free interaction with various technologies by converting human speech into actionable commands, which can then control devices or applications.


      Playback is an act or instance of reproducing recorded sound or pictures often immediately after recording. 

Video Playback

      Video Playback is the playing back of computer or video content to screens that appear on camera.

      Video Playback is also known as 24 frame Playback or computer/ Video Playback

Lossy compression

      Lossy compression or irreversible compression is the class of data compression methods that uses inexact approximations and partial data discarding to represent the content.

      In lossy compression, the data in a file is removed and not restored to its original form after decompression.

      Lossy compression technique reduces data size for storing, handling, and transmitting content.

      Lossy compression reduces file size by permanently removing some original data.

      Some common examples of lossy data are JPEG images, MPEG video, and MP3 audio formats.

Lossless compression

      Lossless compression is a class of data compression that reduces file size without sacrificing any significant information in the process.

      In Lossless compression, photo quality of your photos doesn’t get diminished.

      Lossless compression saves memory space and no details are lost along the way. 


Sunday, August 18, 2024

24 words you should use in IELTS essays


In this blog/article, you will learn about some important words and sentences to be used in IELTS essays to get band 8.0 or more. You may refer to the Cambridge and Collins Dictionary for more details and definitions.


Accountable (C2)

·       She is accountable only to the CEO.

·       Politicians should be accountable to the public who elected them.

·       All these organizations are democratically accountable to their members.

·       The recent tax reforms have made the government more accountable for its spending.

·       Maturity takes being accountable for your behavior.

Addressed (C2)

·       The parcel was wrongly addressed.

·       Make sure the letter is properly addressed.

·       They addressed a petition to the legislature.

·       All questions should be addressed to the chair.

·       He likes to be addressed as “Sir” or “Mr. Fetcher”.

·       He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience.


·       The adolescent period is one’s best time.

·       Their children are now adolescents.

·       Before he reaches adulthood, the adolescent will need to learn how to drive and cook for himself.

·       Our claim is not that all adolescents are insane.

Affluent  [meaning: rich]

·       We live in an affluent neighborhood.

·       It is one of the most affluent areas in the country.

·       The town is affluent and close to sought-after schools.

·       Restaurants and clubs have opened in many of the township’s more affluent areas.

·       The diet of the affluent has not changed much over the decades.

Allocate (C1)

·       A project leader has to allocate jobs to people.

·       It is not the job of the investigating committee to allocate blame for the disaster.

·       The president has agreed to allocate funds to develop the new aircraft/satellite.

·       The local council has decided not to allocate funds for the project.

Awareness (B2)

·       Environmental awareness has increased dramatically over the past decades.

·       There is a growing awareness of the seriousness of this disease.

·       Public awareness of the problem will make politicians take it seriously.

·       This task is designed to test the child’s spatial awareness.

·       The campaign has certainly succeeded in raising public awareness of the issue.

·       There was an almost complete lack of awareness of the issues involved.



·       At my school there was a lot of bullying and harassment happening.

·       The vessel will take him away from the bullying at school.

·       He explains why bullying has such a big effect during teenage years.

Burden (C1)

·       We need to avoid putting a burden on taxpayers with this project.

·       Such a high increase will impose an undue burden on the local taxpayer.

·       My elderly mother worries that she’s a burden to me.

·       The war had put an insupportable financial burden on the country.



·       All, because of social habituation, undervalue central human capabilities that they later come to value.

·       The results indicated that education may enhance farmers’ capabilities to reduce risk through better management.


·       White will become the most commonly seen helmet.

·       We commonly call the literal use an example.

·       The most commonly used modern wedge form is the plug and feathers.

Competence (C1)

·       Her competence as a teacher is unquestionable.

·       He reached a reasonable level of competence in his French.

·       Students can prove their competence by performing well in the exam.


·       Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather.

·       The meat was declared unfit for human consumption.

·       He was advised to reduce his alcohol consumption.

·       The average daily consumption of fruit and vegetables is around 200 grams.


·       The new government charged him with corruption, which he denied.

·       The measures are attempting to catch the smaller corruptions.

·       He allowed and encouraged the most appalling social injustices, cruelties, inequalities, and corruptions.


Deficiency (C1)

·       The disease may be caused by nutritional deficiencies.

·       There are several deficiencies in his plan.

·       The rash is a classic symptom of a zinc deficiency.

·       Deficiencies in the education system have been much in the news.

Downsides (C1)

·       The downside of this approach is a lack of clear leadership.

·       The downside of this shift was laid bare by the great recession.

·       He could find no downside to the car.

·       The new version has many great features, but there are downsides.

·       The only downside of working here is that it is so far from my home.

·       The town’s rapid growth does have a downside.

Drawbacks (C1)

·       There were a few drawbacks, but they were easy to fix.

·       I highly recommend this book despite these minor drawbacks.

·       Every strategic choice has its benefits and drawbacks.

·       The drawback of this system was that precision was compromised.


Embrace (C1)         [Meaning: accept]

·       We have to embrace it and hold our nerve.

·       They lost the capacity to embrace change.

·       It’s a subject that embraces many areas of learning.

·       This was an opportunity that he would embrace.

Embrace (C2)

·       She saw them embrace on the station platform.

·       He leaned over to embrace the child.


·       Human emissions of greenhouse gases are causing the earth to warm.

·       Sulphur emissions from steel mills become acid rain.

·       We estimate the marginal cost of reducing carbon emissions beyond the baseline.

Enhance (C1)

·       The company is looking to enhance its earning potential.

·       You can enhance the flavor of the dish by using fresh herbs.

·       They’ll be keen to enhance their reputation abroad.

·       It’s things like this that enhance the quality of life.


·       The establishment of order in the town made the citizens happy.

·       His novels were disliked by the literary establishment.

·       His ideas influenced the establishment of National Portrait.

Exceed (C1)

·       The number of passengers must not exceed 40.

·       If you are middle-aged, that figure could exceed seven billion before you die.

·       The final cost should not exceed $2000.

·       Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be fined heavily.

·       The demand for cheap housing far exceeds supply.


·       The holiday failed to live up to my expectations.

·       One obvious explanation is that their expectations are far too high.

·       Two artworks captured the expectations of the time.

·       The company has expectations of making a profit next year.


·       The energy expenditure was significant.

·       Each expenditure was carefully recorded in his neat hand.

·       The financial rewards justified the expenditure of effort.

·       He lists clubs and pubs going among his main expenditures.

·       Expenditures on machinery simply replaced expenditures on construction.


Inappropriate (C1)       [Meaning: unsuitable]

·       We won’t tolerate such inappropriate behavior.

·       His casual behavior was wholly inappropriate for such a formal occasion.

·       Her informal manner seemed wholly inappropriate to the occasion.

·       It would be inappropriate to invite her to a party so soon after her husband’s death.

Incentives (C2)

·       Tax incentives have been offered to attract industry to the region.

·       Tax incentives have effectively encouraged people to save and invest more of their income.

·       The government offers special tax incentives for entrepreneurs.

·       Our salespeople are given financial incentives for reaching their quotas.

·       The rising cost of electricity provides a strong incentive to conserve energy.

Informative (C1)

·       It is a moving and informative read.

·       It has been an immensely informative and rewarding series.

·       Her chapter offers a detailed and informative account of these case studies.

·       While the text is hugely informative, it has many important shortcomings.

·       There are several intellectual challenges to be solved to truly make the approach informative.

Infrastructure (C1)

·       More money is needed to maintain the city’s infrastructure.

·       The minister is responsible for the country’s transport infrastructure.

·       The industry was accused of investing little in workers, plants, or infrastructure.

Innate (c2)       [Meaning: Ability is one that you were born with]

·       He never lost his innate sense of fun.

·       Her dance expresses the innate beauty of the human spirit.

·       Any man who moved with his innate coordination was bound to be good with his hands.

·       His innate nature makes it impossible for him to get out from underneath his past hurts.

·       These innate immune system cells rapidly respond to viruses and other pathogens.

Insights (C1)

·       Her books are full of perceptive insights into the human condition.

·       His book offers some fresh insights into the events leading up to the war.

·       The research affords a new insight into the origins of the universe.

Insufficient (c1)

·       There was insufficient money to fund the project.

·       The case was dropped because of insufficient evidence.

·       Perhaps this narrow inquiry will prove to be insufficient.


·       She has a sharp/keen intellect.

·       Her intellect is famed far and wide.

·       The intellect is not the most important thing in life.

·       There is a whole range of intellects among them.

·       You have been sending the best intellects out of this country.

Irrespective (C2)

·       Everyone gets the same amount, irrespective of age.

·       The rules apply to everyone, irrespective of how long they have been with the company.

·       The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone’s ethnic origins.

·       This argument would apply to all permanent workers, irrespective of contract.